Preferred above all the others
I’ve tried lots of password managers and I find this one to be the best. It works smoothly, looks good and is extremely flexible so that it’s good for everything from website logins to credit cards, to secure notes. It lacks formal “cloud” support but it offers instant sync via email which to me is still very convenient. Used in conjunction with the MSecure desktop app it is very easy to manage large amounts of data efficiently as well (I have about 200 unique passwords to keep track of).
Overall this is just a great app. And if you are concerned about the fact that it uses Blowfish-256 encryption instead of the more popular AES-256 encryption I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that while Blowfish is older and possibly more secure in some ways, but not as well tested as AES it basically comes down to this fact; it would take a supercomputer and government hack geniuses to break either code and no one in your typical city or workplace or circle of aquaintenaces is going to be able to hack this. If you are working with government top secret classified files then you’re not going to use a $20 app to keep your secrets. This is for the rest of us civilians who want an app that works great, is extremely secure and has all the flexibility and features you could ask for.
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